Building Partners

Construct Lab:
Constructlab is a transdisciplinary design-build network that brings together architectural concepts and construction. While breaking with traditional divisions of labor, the organization engages a team of multi-talented designer-builders – as well as sociologists, urban planners, graphic designers, curators, educators and web developers – who carry the creative process from the drawing board to the field. Their shared vision of a collaborative way of working combines the creative with the practical, the thinking with the doing.

Fablab Torino:
Fablab Torino is a cultural association, a digital manufacturing laboratory and a makerspace - the first opened in Italy. It doesn't matter whether you are a professional or an enthusiast: at FablabTO you find the spaces, machinery and tools suitable for realizing your projects, develop new skills and share what you know how to do with a community of people with the same interests as you.

Like-minded people who want to realize an idea together can find, inspire or support each other at Bolwerk. The emphasis is on creative makership with the large, equipped studio as the most important tool. However, creating something does not always have to take a tangible form, it can also be an experience or experience.